Screen Shots on Mac
Screen shots - MacOS 7, or earlier
To make a "screen shot" on a computer running MacOS versions 7.x, or earlier:
- To save a picture of the entire screen in a PICT file, press Command+Shift+3. (Command = the "apple" or "curly-H" key).
- When you press these keys, a file named Picture 1 is created on either the startup disk or inside the System Folder. Additional pictures are named Picture 2, Picture 3, and so on.
- You can open up the picture in the SimpleText application or any application that reads PICT files.
Screen shots - MacOS 8
- MacOS 8 offers a number of options for taking "snapshots" of your screen. Use the "Help" menu to find out more.
- Here are directions taken from these instructions on how to "save a picture of part" of your screen:
To save a picture of part of the screen in a PICT file, press Command+Shift+4. (Command = the "apple" or "curly-H" key).
Now, drag across the part of the screen you want to make into a picture.
To constrain the capture area to a square, keep the Shift key pressed as you drag.
- When you release the mouse, a file named Picture 1 is created on the startup disk. Additional pictures are numbered Picture 2, Picture 3, and so on.
- You can open up the picture in the SimpleText application or any any application that reads PICT files.